(Featured image source: Interaction Institute for Social Change | Artist: Angus Maguire.)
WordCamp Asia 2023 is fast approaching. As the flagship WordCamp event in Asia, we are working towards our diversity goals.
Travel costs are one of the biggest roadblocks for some speakers to attend a WordCamp. This page aims to gather a list of entities willing to support underrepresented speakers.
Supporting Speakers
If you run a WordPress business or if you are an individual who is interested in supporting one or more speakers to attend WordCamp Asia 2023, please show your interest by filling out this form.
Speakers will directly contact you for assistance needed. You can cross-check their eligibility via the Underrepresented in Tech website. You may request additional information from the speakers’ team by emailing us at asia-speakers@wordcamp.org.
Receiving Support as a Speaker
If you are a speaker applicant who would like to speak at WordCamp Asia, but the cost of travel and accommodation is stopping you, we have two options for you:
- Contacting Companies Directly
- Support Inclusion in Tech Initiative
Please understand WordCamp Asia has no say in getting your assistance request approved in either option.
1. Contacting Companies Directly
To be eligible for support, you must be registered on the Underrepresented in Tech website. If you haven’t signed up for their database, please do that now.
Below are organizations you can contact directly to request assistance for WordCamp Asia 2023.

2. Support Inclusion in Tech Initiative
Support Inclusion In Tech removes the need for speakers to contact companies. Instead, it provides a speaker with the privacy to receive support without identifying themselves publicly. This is a program that supports underrepresented individuals who need help attending WordCamps around the globe.
All you need to do is fill out the form to be included in the database and be eligible to receive support for travel and/or accommodations.
We thank WordCamp US 2022 team for the idea and their input based on a similar initiative.
Links: Sponsor assistance to support speakers | Underrepresented in Tech | Support Inclusion In Tech