Job Board: Connecting Attendees & Companies

At WordCamp Asia 2023, we will be setting up a physical job board area open to all attendees in the Mingle Area. This job board will consist of whiteboards where companies and job seekers can post current job openings and contact information.

This approach offers job seekers the chance to connect with potential employers in person, and companies to network with a diverse pool of candidates. It also allows for a more interactive and engaging job search experience. The job board will be located in a quieter part of the venue, providing a more relaxed environment for attendees to network and connect.

We believe that this job board will be a valuable resource for all attendees, whether you are a job seeker or a company representative. We encourage all attendees to take advantage of this opportunity by writing their job openings or for-hire contact information on the whiteboards during the event. We hope this will lead to more spontaneous connections and opportunities.

Image source by Eric Binnion

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