We are delighted to announce that Stripe, ThemesPark and YuanJhen Information have become Ari Sponsors for the forthcoming WordCamp Asia 2023. Their support is crucial to the success of the event and will guarantee that all attendees have an unforgettable experience. We are extremely grateful to these companies for their generosity and dedication to the WordPress community.
Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and interact with these sponsors in person at Suralai Hall, the main hub of the event. This is a wonderful chance for attendees to gain valuable insights and knowledge from leading industry experts. Let’s give a huge round of applause to these sponsors for making WordCamp Asia 2023 an unforgettable event.


We are a team in Japan specialized in WordPress, web development and design.
Based on your current needs and situations, we will create a service that is customized just for you. Our Themes and Block patterns will guide your business to success! Themes Park Japan 100% GPL themes was specialized with advanced and unique features, so even you can develop and create your own Japanese-friendly websites.

YuanJhen information
Yuan Jhen Info., Co., Ltd.,based in Taiwan, was founded in 2006 as a managed security service and hosting provider. Yuan Jhen has been trusted by many small and medium-sized business customers worldwide. Our server locations: Taiwan, the USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and Vietnam.
With a mission to provide high-quality services at competitive prices, Yuan Jhen can help you to launch an online business quickly and effectively with WordPress.
Why choose Yuan Jhen?
- We are certified with ISO 27001, ensuring the maintenance and management of information security in hosting and internet exchange.
- Superb WordPress Optimized Hosting and free plugin installation services are provided, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of optimizing the website.
- We provide enterprise-level quality service, striving daily to deliver reliable and secure hosting services.
- We provide 24x7x365 expert support.
- We offer different resource package options, helping you to choose the right hosting plan.
Get connected with us:
Twitter: @yuanjhen_info
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ggg.com.tw