Take Your WordPress Site To Another Level Using AI Translation

A common challenge for organizations, projects, and businesses is attracting more people. On the other hand, reaching a wider audience has never been easier, and translating your website can be a crucial step. People simply prefer reading content and doing business in their native language.

However, without the right tools, it can be both expensive and time-consuming. This is where automatic translation can give you an edge. Today, it is often indistinguishable from human translation. Plus, it’s super quick and affordable.

This is what I’d like to talk about – how to use AI translation to translate your website and find a bigger audience.

This topic is relevant for the WordPress audience because of the language barrier most of us face in the often English-first world. I’d like to show how something that seemed too expensive and complex just a few years ago is today easily achievable.

In my talk, I would cover the following points:

  • AI-powered translation – where it is and where it’s going
  • Story of when I was personally totally astonished by how good AI translations have become
  • How translation AI works, how it’s “trained”, where it excels and where it still faces challenges
  • Will human translators soon be replaced by AI?
  • Why you should translate your site
  • Advantages a multilingual website brings to your company, organization, or a project
  • Why automatic translation is a great option (it’s super fast, affordable, and accurate)
  • How to easily and quickly translate your WordPress site using automatic translation
  • The AI options out there (DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Translateā€¦)
  • The tools you will need and the tools available for WordPress
  • Do you need human assistance with your automatically translated content?
  • WordPress’s own multilingual future
  • Phase IV promises multilingual WordPress but what would it mean and need?
  • Where does automatic translation fit into WordPress’s future multilingual features?

