Images on the web — past present and future

All about images on the web: current formats, how browsers load images, and upcoming formats – when and how to use them. This talk will start with a review of image formats commonly used on the web today – jpeg, git, png, SVG, and webp. What are they each good for? When and how should sites use them? Next, we will dig into the surprisingly complicated loading process of pages and images in the browser and the implications for site optimization. Finally, we will dive into newer formats like AVIF, JPEG XL, and WebP2, learn what promise they hold and how site owners can start using them today.

WordPress Through the Terminal

Remember the famous “5 minutes installation” process for installing WordPress? Let’s see what WP-CLI can do in 5 minutes. And everything else that can happen in the terminal in 40 minutes. We might actually make WordPress instances more secure. Or just break it.

This is not your usual presentation talk. This is a live terminal commanding; SSHing your WordPress administration and development; and releasing the Kraken or two.

Automating QA through Visual Regression Testing

This will have an introduction to Continuous Integration and
Deployment (CI/CD) in automating the QA process of visually comparing
changes after a WordPress core, plugin or theme update.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to Automation / CI / CD
  • What is Visual Regression
  • CI / CD choices
  • What are different Visual Regression tools
  • Limitations of Visual Regression
  • Demo of a CI/CD Sample setup

This will utilize the GitHub Actions for the CI/CD and BackstopJS and compare the difference after a change.

Why you don’t need Progressive Web App for WordPress

After I delivered a talk in 2020 I ask myself often “What is the best way to implement PWA for WordPress” but every time I asked this question another question came up ” Why do we need PWA for WordPress” many reasons came up and I will tell you in another side “Why we don’t need PWA for WordPress”

Using APIs for community

When it comes to extending WordPress we rely on plugins. We want to choose the best plugin that meet our requirements. The criteria of best plugin start by looking at some basic attributes such as who is the author, what are the reviews, does it have active support, etc.

We search for the plugins and compare these attributes in different browser tabs. What if you get to see them side by side on single screen where you can compare these attributes easily? For deeper dive you can always visit the plugin page on the

The WPPC tool tries to solve this problem using API client that internally leverages APIs .

Advanced Performance & Scalability for PHP Developers

Through both theoretical principles and practical real-world examples we’ll examine what performance and scalability mean from a server-side development perspective and how you can optimize for them.

We’ll cover basic mechanisms like profiling, deferred processing and caching first to make sure we got the big chunks out of the way.

Then we’ll dive deeper into code that simply needs to run faster or in a more scalable way, covering things such as loop optimization, static data, opcaches and other mysterious concepts.

Optimizing Core Web Vitals for your WordPress website

We build websites and web applications so we can deliver value. In most cases, value is measured by conversion rates. A fast website is essential for a good user experience, which leads to a good conversion rate. But making a performant website is not the only thing we need to give a good user experience. Let’s dive into the world of Core Web Vitals, understand their origins, their implementation and what actions can we take to improve our websites for a better user experience.

Getting the most out of the REST API

The REST API is the foundation of the block editor, and has been a part of WordPress for six years. But are we using it to its full potential? This talk will share practical tips for using the REST API in your themes, plugins, and headless apps. We will look at different ways to use post types and metadata to store information in WordPress, and review performance techniques to make your REST endpoints run faster. We’ll share how to use _fields to query only for what you need. We’ll look at how to use Query Monitor to diagnose issues in your custom endpoints. We’ll discuss when you might want to use GraphQL instead of REST. And I will share a component maintainer’s perspective on the best changes we’ve made to the REST API since 4.7, and some exciting features to look forward to in the future!