WordCamp Asia 2023 Contributor Day will be held on 17 February 2023, the first day of the 3-day event in Bangkok, Thailand.
In-Person Participation
If you plan to participate in Contributor Day in person, we’re glad to have you! Join us at our venue, ICONSIAM Main Hall, on the 7th floor. Volunteers will help you find the specific floor and the contributor tables.
We’ll start our day at 9 A.M Bangkok time (UTC+7) with registration, and then we’ll get to work. If it’s your first time attending a Contributor Day, someone will be happy to help set you up.
To participate in the Contributor Day of WordCamp Asia 2023, you must have your regular ticket to WordCamp Asia 2023. And you must fill out the registration form for Contributor Day; this helps us maintain things at a manageable level.
Virtual Participation
Suppose you are planning to participate in Contributor Day from home. We warmly welcome you via the #contributor-day channel in Make WordPress Slack is a great place to start that day.
From there, you can join the channel for the Team(s) you plan to participate with, and someone can help you to get started contributing.
Contribute to WordPress
Thank you so much for your interest in contributing to WordPress. WordPress is an open-source project; contributors from around the world contribute to this software which powers more than 43% of the web today.
If you are attending Contributor Day for the first time, this page is especially for you. This page will help you identify which Team to choose on Contributor Day. You can reach out to us using the contact page for any inquiries. If you have any questions about contributing and are already on the Make WordPress slack, drop into the #contributor-day channel. You can ask your questions, and we will try to give you a precise response.
In WordCamp Asia 2023, we have a full day to contribute to WordPress. Among the 21 different Teams, you can join any of them and contribute. Are you confused about which Team is best according to your interest and expertise? Register for WordCamp Asia 2023 Contributor Day, and together we can grow our communities and celebrate the launch of the biggest WordPress event in Asia.
What is contributing?
You do not need to be a programmer or designer yet know anything concerning WordPress to participate. Participating by contributing is a great way to learn about and give to the project. The WordPress project combines diverse teams working on areas ranging from core and community to design and polyglots.
The mission of WordPress is to support the democratisation of publishing. It supports the freedom that comes with open source. The project has a large community of people collaborating and contributing to it. It seeks to be a community that is welcoming and inclusive. WordPress contributors come from different cultures, countries, and time zones across the globe and give countless opportunities to keep taking forward the platform and what it can do.
Contributor Day – Schedule
Time | Event Details |
09:00 | Registration |
09:45 | Opening and welcoming leads to introducing their team |
10:15 | Contributing to WordPress |
11:00 – 13:00 | Lunch(Anytime) |
13:00 | Group Photo |
14:00 | Contributing to WordPress |
16:00 | Closing remarks and wrap-up |
Floor Plan

- 7th Floor Rooms (480 seats)
- Meeting Room 01: Core/Core Performance
- Meeting Room 02: Themes, Patterns, Photos
- Meeting Room 03: Accessibility, CLI, Design, Documentation
- Meeting Room 04: Training, Support
- Meeting Room 05: Meta, Polyglots
- Meeting Room 06: TV
- Meeting Room 11: Hosting, Test
- 8th Floor Rooms (206 seats)
- Meeting Room 12: Mobile & Openverse
- Meeting Room 13: Community
- Meeting Room 14: Marketing
The Teams you can join
The Accessibility Team provides accessibility expertise across the project to improve the accessibility of WordPress core and resources. The WordPress Accessibility Coding Standards state, “All new or updated code released in WordPress must conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at level AA.”
Accessibility is a transversal focus that impacts many other Teams. Their current main focuses are WordPress Core and the Block Editor, but they are also working on automated unit tests for themes and other projects.
If you are interested in making WordPress accessible to everyone, join us!
This Team oversees official events, mentorship programs, diversity initiatives, contributor outreach, and other ways of growing the WordPress community.
If you are curious about how to start a Meetup in your city or how you can organise a WordCamp, then join the Community Team.
Core / Core Performance
The Core Team builds WordPress! Get involved and learn about general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate.
If you find a bug, you may create a ticket in the core bug tracker. You can get started quickly with core tickets marked as good first bugs for new contributors or join a bug scrub.
Our table leads will guide you on starting contributing to the Core. Join the Core Team and learn quickly.
The CLI Team works on WP-CLI, the command-line interface for WordPress. Most of the open issues to work on require development or documentation skills, although certain parts could do with some marketing or design help as well.
Development work is done via GitHub, and testing requires a local WordPress install to run the commands against. The preliminary plan is to have a new scaffolding framework ready for WordCamp Asia, and let some participants experiment with new software building blocks to the scaffold (plugins, themes, blocks, CPTs, …).
The Design Team provides the user experience, user interface, and visual design expertise for the WordPress project. This includes design for the WordPress product, the WordPress.org network, and community projects. All levels of experience are welcome.
The Documentation Team is responsible for WordPress documentation, and current goals are the retirement of Codex, enrichment of the Block Editor manual, and localisation of documentation. Please join this table if you are interested in those topics or want to brush up on the current user guide. You can see the list of documentation issues and can work on it as well. All the issues are listed in the GitHub repository.
The Hosting Team works to improve WordPress’ end-user experience across hosting environments through industry collaboration and user education.
You can expect to learn and contribute at the same time about WordPress Hosting Best Practices documentation, development of End to End distributed testing, and fixes to the existing WordPress distributed automated testing.
The Marketing Team envisions being the go-to resource for strategy and content for other WordPress Teams.
This team markets WordPress and its community to the wider world.
The Marketing Team’s work is tracked on the GitHub Marketing Task Board under the WordPress organization.
The Meta Team is responsible for the software that runs the various WordPress.org websites, APIs, and related tools. They help support other Teams by working to maintain and deploy updates to the websites and tools that they use. Some projects they maintain include the Theme and Plugin directories, Showcase, Support Forums, WordCamp Central, and GlotPress.
The Mobile Team is responsible for developing and maintaining the WordPress mobile apps. There are many ways to get involved in taking the mobile experience to the next level. There are opportunities to start coding for one of the mobile platforms, to bring better design solutions to the UI and UX challenges, to beta test the latest versions of the apps and provide feedback on the existing or missing features, or help with translations of the mobile apps in any language you wish.
Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media. The Openverse Team implements new features and new media types, maintains the public API and front-end search engine, and develops WordPress integrations to share Openverse with the entire WordPress community.
The Pattern helps WordPress users add a beautifully designed, ready-to-go layout to any WordPress site with a simple copy/paste. Join this Team and submit patterns that are uniquely beautiful in their own way.
The Photo Directory Team moderates every photo submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory, maintains and improves the directory site itself, and provides resources and documentation to educate, encourage, and facilitate photo contributors. You can join the Team and learn how to get involved.
The Plugins Team acts as gate-keepers and fresh eyes on newly submitted plugins and reviews any reported security or guideline violations.
You can start contributing Plugins Team by reporting the Plugin security issue as well.
The Polyglots Team translates WordPress into more than 200 languages. If you’re fluent in a language other than US English, you’re welcome to join us and help bring WordPress to people around the world.
If you’re new to the world of WordPress, this is one of the easiest ways to contribute. You can join Polyglots and translate WordPress or a plugin/theme of your choice in your own native language.
The Support Team is responsible for helping users at WordPress’ Support Forums so they can make the most out of their WordPress websites. They answer everything they can, from basic WordPress questions to advanced development topics. Everyone knows the answer to something!
You can join the Support Team and contribute easily.
The Test Team helps manage testing and triage across the WordPress ecosystem. They focus on automated and user testing of the editing experience and WordPress dashboard. User testing tests, documents, and reports on the WordPress user experience. Automated testing covers integration and unit testing using tools such as Jest and PHPUnit.
The Themes Team evaluates each theme submitted from all across the world to the official directory and provides input and requests for correction when appropriate. Reviewing themes sharpens your own theme development skills. You can help out and join the discussion on the blog.
Tide is a series of automated tests run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory. The Team tests Tide services and plugins, identifies bugs and enhancement ideas, and discusses ways to work together with other Teams (e.g., Plugin and Themes Teams, Performance Team) using the Tide service and infrastructure to help automate their processes.
The Training Team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments such as meetups and workshops. Also, “Learn WordPress” is focused on Training Material.
You can join this Team and help create training materials, online workshops, etc.
The TV Team reviews and approves every video submitted to WordPress.tv. They also help WordCamps with video post-production and are responsible for the captioning and subtitling of published videos. Reviewing videos is a great way to learn about WordPress and help the community: experience is not required to get involved.
Visit make.wordpress.org for all the ways you can contribute to the global WordPress project. From Community to Testing, from Marketing to Training, there is a task for everyone!