The Community Booth at WordCamp Asia 2023 is the perfect place for anyone who wants to become more involved with the WordPress community. It will be located between Hall 1 and the Mingle Area and staffed by experienced members of the WordPress community who are ready and willing to answer your questions. They will be happy to help you find the information you need about contributing to the various Make WordPress teams.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, the Community Booth is the place where you can learn about the different volunteer opportunities available, including the Five for the Future program. This program encourages individuals and companies to contribute at least 5% of their work time to WordPress. By participating, you can help shape the future of WordPress and ensure that it continues to be the leading open-source content management system in the world.
The Five for the Future program is just one of the many ways you can get involved with WordPress. There are also opportunities to contribute to the code, design, documentation, support, and other aspects of the project. Whatever your skills and interests are, there is a way for you to contribute to WordPress and make a positive impact on the community.
So, if you’re attending WordCamp Asia 2023, be sure to visit the Community Booth and learn more about the different ways you can get involved with WordPress. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other WordPress enthusiasts and learn more about the project from experienced community members. We hope to see you there!