(The) Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is a non-profit organization. Through promoting open technology and cross-field collaboration, we continue to connect tech communities and other public and private entities in Taiwan. By doing so, we work to promote open co-creation and protect digital human rights, and thereby support a more transparent and inclusive digital civil society. Since 2014, we have functioned as a legal entity and supported over 30 open technology communities in Taiwan. Throughout this process, we have not only continued to promote the idea of open technology, we have also become involved in policy advocacy and spoken up for the public’s digital human rights. Through this process, we have created a base for the development of open technology in Taiwan. None of these successes are the result of OCF alone. Rather, they are the result of several open tech communities, individuals and organizations working together to make Taiwan’s internet and digital environment more open, transparent, and participatory.
開放文化基金會(Open Culture Foundation,簡稱 OCF)是一個非營利性的組織。透過推廣開放科技和跨界合作,在台灣持續的銜繫科技社群與其他公/私領域,來促成開放共創保障數位人權、支持透明涵融的數位公民社會。
自 2014 年創立以來,我們以法人做為組織形式,支持台灣 30 多個開放科技社群,在過程中,不僅是持續性的推廣開放科技概念,我們也開始參與政策倡議,為眾人的數位人權發聲,進而創建了一個在台灣發展開放科技的基地。這些成果並非由開放文化基金會獨立實現,而是透過科技社群和公民夥伴一起促使台灣的數位/網路環境變得更加公開、透明和公眾參與 — 不論這樣的參與是以個人、社群或是組織為名義。