WordPress places a strong emphasis on collaboration and community. For many individuals, WordCamps serve as their initial foray into the world of contributing. Gathering for these collaborative events worldwide presents a wonderful opportunity to collectively share and learn. Sharing your personal stories of contribution at WordCamps can play a crucial role in inspiring new contributors to join this fantastic journey.
We aim to inspire an even greater number of individuals to participate in the event, acquire new skills, and leverage their talents to enhance WordPress. Without contributors, there would be no Contributor Day and no WordPress at all!
Our intention is to showcase stories from experienced contributors who have found fulfillment in their contributions at these events. The WordCamp Asia 2024 Contributor Day Team will carefully curate a selection that encompasses various levels of engagement. This compilation will highlight voices from contributors around the world, all sharing their experiences within the WordPress community. These published contributor stories will be featured on our WordCamp Asia 2024 Blog.
We’d love to hear any captivating stories you’d like to share!
Here are some details to guide you through the process of submitting your stories. If you have any additional questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email. (asia[@]wordcamp.org)
Can I submit my stories in all the formats? (Text, Audio, and Video)
Certainly, we welcome submissions in any form or format that you feel most comfortable with. Your creativity and individuality are encouraged, so feel free to submit your stories in the way that best suits you.
What are the audio or video file limits?
Your audio or video file should not be more than 10 minutes.
Which language should I use?
We highly encourage you to submit stories in English so organizers reviewing submissions can evaluate them equally. But, if you are not able to share your stories in English, you can submit it in your own language and we’ll try to translate it into English.
What is our submission deadline and process?
The Call for Contributor’s Stories will be open until November 22, 2023, so please make sure that you send in your submission in time.
Do I need to share my photo?
Yes, it would help us and everyone visiting our blog to know your stories and your contribution to WordPress Communities.
What if I need to edit my stories?
We are using Google Forms to accept your stories. You will receive a copy of your submission with the edit link to it via email. Please ensure that the email you use is a valid email address.
Will my stories be published directly or edited before being published?
We’ll try our best to publish the story without editing. But if there are some typos or grammatical errors, we’ll fix them before publishing.
I have a video on my YouTube channel about my contribution stories. Can I submit that?
We request you to create a dedicated video specially for WordCamp Asia 2024. So, we don’t accept the pre-made content.
Share your stories
To participate, kindly share your contribution story in 250 words or fewer, accompanied by text, audio, or visual records (1-10 minutes) via your preferred social media platforms, which you’d like us to accompany with.
Please submit your stories by November 25, 2023, for an opportunity to be showcased on the WordCamp Asia 2024 blog and our social media channels.