Behind the Lineup: Rich Tabor


As we countdown to WordCamp Asia 2024, each week we’re inviting you to go behind the lineup and get to know the folks who will be taking to the stage. In today’s post, we chat with Rich Tabor, a product manager at Automattic who’s dedicated to enhancing WordPress, aiming to make publishing more user-friendly and centered around human interaction.

Q. Firstly, welcome to the lineup! We’re so glad to have you here. Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself? Where will you be joining the event from, and what does your day-to-day look like?

I’m a multidisciplinary maker, specializing in the intersection of product, design and engineering. Sure, it sounds fancy—but I really just like to build nice things. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia, near the east coast of the United States.

Day to day I’m in my office navigating the various efforts for the next WordPress releases, pushing to make WordPress more intuitive and empowering as ever. You’ll find me sharing knowledge on my blog,, and on X, designing in the WordPress Design Figma library, and all around the Gutenberg Github repository.

Q. We’re lucky to be welcoming a diverse range of speakers to our program in 2024. What interested you to apply to WordCamp Asia as a speaker?

Sharing knowledge is an important facet of who I am. I want to impart the art of design thinking to others, continuously raising the bar across the board—perhaps even making our sphere a bit more intuitive place to be.

Q. What can audiences expect to learn from your talk/s? Are there any advance sneak peeks or knowledge bombs you can offer us?

We’ll dive into the nuances of good, purposeful design, distilling how to leverage design thinking to create intentional experiences for people. It’s not just for designers, but thinkers and tinkerers who like to create.

Q. What are you most looking forward to at WordCamp Asia 2024? Is there someone you’re looking forward to rubbing shoulder with, or a local delicacy you’d like to sample? 

This is my first WordCamp Asia! I’m just as excited to visit such a beautiful country, as I am at engaging with the WordPress community in Asia. And I’m open to trying most foods; just need a few local friends so take me to the best places!

Q. Tell us something about yourself that we might not know. Party tricks? Secret hobbies?

I’m a decent electric guitar player, playing with a local band here and there. I’m known as a Monopoly fiend (the board game). My partner would say I’m an unusually good guesser.

Q. Lightning Round! 

Most-visited website: Aside from my own site, I engage with ChatGPT daily. I can do and learn almost anything, anywhere, from my phone.

Most-read book: I’ve probably read the Harry Potter series the most; it’s been a few years, but I’m a big fan.

Go-to podcast: I’ve been enjoying How to Take Over the World by Ben Wilson; it’s full of insightful takes on humans that have taken the world by storm in their time.

Find out more about Rich’s appearance at WordCamp Asia 2024 here.

WordCamp Asia 2024 is over. Check out the next edition!