Announcing the Invited Speaker Program



We’re thrilled to unveil our brand-new Invited Speaker Program!

As we strive to elevate our flagship event, we are taking a comprehensive approach to redefine what makes WordCamp truly unforgettable.

Here’s the big news: we’re curating a roster of distinguished speakers, each an expert in their respective field. 

Importantly, this program will run parallel to our ongoing speaker applications, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive speaker lineup.

Our Two Main Objectives:

  1. Welcome renowned voices from beyond the WordPress community—those exceptional individuals we haven’t yet connected with.
  2. Provide our attendees with engaging and invaluable sessions that will leave a lasting impact.

But we’re not stopping there!

We want you to be part of this transformative journey. Do you have an ideal speaker in mind for WordCamp Asia? Or a specific topic you’re keen to explore? We invite you to share your insights.

Fill out the form below to make your recommendation. Every suggestion is invaluable to us. Additionally, we’re committed to sharing our findings with other flagship events, continuously enhancing the WordCamp experience for all.

Let’s collaborate and make WordCamp Asia a landmark event!

WordCamp Asia 2024 is over. Check out the next edition!