Invited Speakers Program is Coming Back

Invited Speakers Program image

Do you remember the brand new initiative we introduced back in 2024 – the Invited Speakers Program?

We are delighted to announce the return of the “Invited Speakers Program” for WordCamp Asia 2025! 

The Invited Speakers Program aims to bring new innovative structures to the WordCamp sessions and create an unforgettable experience for our attendees. We are dedicated to curating a lineup of distinguished and diverse experts from various fields who will bring fresh perspectives and enrich our event with their expertise.

Our goals for the Invited Speakers Program remains the same from 2024:

  • To engage prominent voices outside the WordPress community—bringing in exceptional individuals whose insights have yet to be explored within our circles.
  • To deliver impactful and thought-provoking sessions that will provide lasting value to our attendees.

It’s important to note that this program will run parallel to our current Call for Speakers. The Invited Speakers Program is designed to complement, not compete with, the ongoing speaker selection process, adding even more depth and diversity to our event’s lineup.

We Need Your Input!

This initiative thrives on collaboration. We invite all attendees and community members to participate in shaping the program. Who would you like to see on stage? Is there a role model that you would like to see? What topics are you eager to explore?

We have provided a form where you can submit your recommendations. Your insights will help us create a diverse and impactful lineup that resonates with everyone.

Let’s work together to make WordCamp Asia 2025 an event to remember!



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2 responses to “Invited Speakers Program is Coming Back”

  1. […] Invited Speakers Program is Coming Back Suggest a Speaker/Topic […]

  2. […] / Topic… the invited speakers program is coming back for WordCamp Asia 2025 event. You can suggest a speaker or suggest a topic for this event – have your […]

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